Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Court of Queens for Star Quarter

Enjoy these photos from our Black and White Star Party Dinner!

Congratulations to 
Queen of Classes 
Marcie Friedlander
 (Kari Medina's Unit)
Runner Up:
Nancy Neenan
(Brenda Cooney's Unit)

Congratulations to 
Queen of Personal Sales
Verna Boetcher 
(Kerri Bunker's Unit)

Congratulations to the additional
Court of Personal Sales
(all over $4,000!)
Paula Suhr
Marcie Friedlander

Congratulations to 
Queen of Sharing
J'amy Kent 
(Brenda Cooney's Unit)
Runner Up:
Margaret Hendrix

Sapphire Stars in Attendance
Paula Suhr
Mary McClure
Barbara Melahn
Kymbal Lyndsay
Shayna Coleman
Marcie Friedlander

Ruby Stars in Attendance
Margaret Hendrix
Julie Babcock
Verna Boetcher

Diamond Star in Attendance
Nancy Neenan

Emerald Star, Queen of High Stars, and DIQ
J'amy Kent

Thursday, November 25, 2010


This is the new electronic home for the unit of the Bunker's Bombshells, the Mary Kay unit of Senior Director Kerri Bunker.  Visit this site regularly for information on local events, or for downloads of documents to use in building your business.